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▸ Computer Fundamentals▸ What is Computer▸ History of Computer▸ Types of Computer▸ History of C Language▸ History of C Language

Computer Components

▸ Computer components▸ Input Devices▸ Output Devices▸ CPU▸ Hardware

Computer Memory

▸ Computer Memory▸ Register Memory

Computer Virus

▸ Computer virus▸ Computer virus 2

Computer Network

▸ Computer Network details

Number Systems

▸ Number Systems

C Control Statements

▸ C if else▸ C Switch Statement▸ if-else vs switch▸ C Loops▸ C Do- While Loop▸ C While Loop▸ C For Loop▸ C For Loop▸ Nested Loops in C▸ Infinite Loop in C▸ C break▸ C continue▸ C goto ▸ C goto ▸ C goto ▸ C goto ▸ C goto ▸ Type Casting

C Functions

▸ What is Function▸ Recursion in C▸ Call: Value & Reference▸ Call: Value & Reference▸ Storage Classes▸ Storage Classes

C Array

▸ 1 D - Array▸ Return an Array in C▸ Array To Function ▸ 2 - D Array▸ Return an Array in C

C Pointers

▸ C Pointers▸ C Double Pointer (Pointer to Pointer)▸ C Double Pointer (Pointer to Pointer)

C Tutorial

▸ Data Types in C▸ Keywords in C▸ C Identifiers▸ Escape Sequence in C▸ ASCII value in C▸ Constants in C▸ Static in C▸ Programming Errors in C▸ Compile time vs Runtime▸ Compile time vs Runtime▸ Compile time vs Runtime▸ Conditional Operator in C▸ Bitwise Operator in C▸ Bitwise Operator in C▸ 2s complement in C▸ What is C Language▸ History of C Language▸ Features of C Language▸ How to install C▸ First C Program▸ Compilation process in c▸ Printf Scanft▸ Variables in C ▸ C Operators▸ Comments in C▸ C Format Specifier▸ Literals in C▸ Tokens in C▸ C Boolean▸ Programming Errors in C

TypType Casting in C ❮ Edit Details

Typecasting allows us to convert one data type into other. In C language, we use cast operator for typecasting which is denoted by (type).


  1. (type)value;      

    Note: It is always recommended to convert the lower value to higher for avoiding data loss.

    Without Type Casting:

  2. int f= 9/4;  
  3. printf("f : %d\n", f );//Output: 2  
  4. With Type Casting:



  5. float f=(float) 9/4;  
  6. printf("f : %f\n", f );//Output: 2.250000 


Type Casting example

Let's see a simple example to cast int value into the float.

  1. #include<stdio.h>  
  2. int main(){  
  3. float f= (float)9/4;    
  4. printf("f : %f\n", f );    
  5. return 0;  
  6. }      


f : 2.250000